
Per Credit Per Quarter Per Year
Full time
$13,164 $39,492
Part time
(1-11 credits per quarter)
Over full time
(19+ credits per quarter)
Summer School $650


Per Credit Per Quarter Per Year
Technology Fee
full-time student
$130 $390
Technology Fee
part-time student
Student Activities Fee
full-time student
$115 $345
Student Activities Fee
part-time student
Wellness and Safety Fee
full-time student
$60 $180
Wellness and Safety Fee
part-time student


被录取的学生应在5月1日(全国考生回复日)或之前提交200美元的入学押金,以保留在SPU的名额。. 所有学生在注册前都需要支付这笔费用. Make your payment now.



传统的和套房式的宿舍楼要求 每季度购买一个季度批量计划. Campus 房子和公寓,包括韦斯利公寓, 不需要购买膳食计划.


  Per Quarter Per Year
单人宿舍楼房间 $3,859 $11,577
双人宿舍房间 $3,049 $9,147
三人/四人宿舍房间 $2,863 $8,589


  Per Quarter Per Year
One- or two-person unit $3,524 $10,572
Three-or-more-person unit $2,840 $8,520

Wesley Apartments

  Per Quarter Per Year
Two-person unit
(one bedroom)
$3,654 $10,962
Three‐person unit
(two bedrooms)
$3,279 $9,837
Four-person unit
(three bedrooms)
$3,279 $9,837
Four-person unit
(four bedrooms)
$3,882 $11,646

Meal plan charges

传统的和套房式的宿舍需要每季度购买一个季度的街区计划. Block 25, Block 50, 和猎鹰基金按每次购买定价,并可由学生自行决定续订.

Quarterly Block Plans

  Per Quarter Per Year
Quarterly Block 200 $2,448 $7,345
Quarterly Block 150 $2,379 $7,138
Quarterly Block 100 $2,313 $6,938


  Per Quarter Per Year
Block 50
(50 meals in Gwinn; available to students living in campus apartments and commuter students only)
Falcon Funds
Requires minimum $5 purchase when purchased by credit card (fees apply); $25 minimum when purchased through student account
Pay as you go
Block 25
(25 meals in Gwinn; available to students living in campus apartments and commuter students only)

Cost of Attendance



DIRECT COSTS On Campus Off Campus Living at Home
Tuition $39,492 $39,492 $39,492
学生活动,技术和健康/安全费用(强制性) $915 $915 $915
食宿(宿舍楼双人房,每季度200座平面图) $16,491 see indirect costs see indirect costs
Total $56,898 $40,407 $40,407


INDIRECT COSTS On Campus Off Campus Living at Home
Food and Housing N/A $16,491 $8,928
Books* and Supplies $924 $924 $924
Transportation $1,776 $1,776 $2,676
Miscellaneous/Personal $1,848 $1,848 $1,848
平均贷款费用(适用于学生贷款借款人) $70 $70 $70
Total $4,618 $21,109


TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE On Campus Off Campus Living at Home
Direct Costs $56,898 $40,407 $40,407
Indirect Costs $4,618 $21,109 $14,446
Total Cost $61,516 $61,516 $54,853

*SPU has created the SPU Falcon Advantage 该项目与Akademos合作,以统一的价格向学生提供教科书. 2024-25学年,教科书费用为22美元/学分(不包括护理)。. 了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件猎鹰优势计划的信息 here.

Explanation of Costs

  • Direct Costs 这些费用是由学校向学生开的帐单吗. 这些费用包括学费、杂费、住宿费和伙食费.
  • 总出席费用(COA) 是直接成本加间接成本吗. 财政援助办公室估计书籍等物品的间接费用, supplies, 个人费用及交通费. 学生的经济援助计划将反映到总出勤费用的援助组合.
  • Tuition 是基于三个季度的全日制出勤率(秋季,冬季 & 如果学生不是全日制或参加自费课程,则会有所不同.
  • Fees 包括学生活动费、技术费、健康费.
  • Housing 费用可以根据房间类型,居住面积和膳食计划的选择而减少
  • Additional Expenses:书籍和用品的预算, 交通和个人费用不由大学收取,并将根据学生的不同而有所不同.

The Net Price Calculator 是一个估算自付费用的有用工具吗.

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